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Google +, – Realtime, all a plan?

So many of you have noticed the new “Google Black”, or the re-branding of the Google SERP (search engine results page) but most never thought much of it. All of the search geeks however wondered why they would mess with something that everyone in the world wanted to imitate. The simple answer is that Google is again preparing to battle Facebook with a new service called Google +.Read More »Google +, – Realtime, all a plan?

The SEO benefits of Cross Posting your blog

I have been helping quite a few small business owners int he Pottstown PA are recently, and most (not suprisingly) believe that creating a Blog section of their website “Takes too  much time”. Well that might have been true in the past when after creating a blog, you have to go to Facebook, Twitter, Digg, etc and repost the url and the caption to really drive traffic into your site (hence getting the extra cred needed to effect your SEO via Social Meida). However, now it is possible to integrate some auto cross posting tools into your Word Press site.Read More »The SEO benefits of Cross Posting your blog

Videos are highly ignored content by most Small Business Web Site owners!

In 200 7 Google announced that they were implementing their Video facet. With this announcement, and the future merge of YouTube with Google the ability for people to share, upload, and create video content went through the roof.

Now most small business owners find that creating interesting, informative, and attractive videos are easy, and very impactful to the people they focus. This is 100% true, however many don’t even know what they are missing.Read More »Videos are highly ignored content by most Small Business Web Site owners!