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Don’t forget the 15.4% Google, Bing, and Yahoo Search Share Reports out

comScore announced its latest search share report tracking the overall searches performed on the major search engines (Bing, Google, Yahoo, Ask, Aol). And to no surprise Google still leads with 66.7% of the share.  But does this mean your search engine optimization strategy should neglect the others? We think not my dear Watson.

Just to have some fun with numbers lets look at the following as a comparisons.

So there you go. 15.4% still gives a small business owner an opportunity to focus on over 1 billion people world wide (assuming everyone has a connected device), over 235,000 estimated people in Philadelphia alone. And if you were lucky enough to be using Bing before the battle of Yavin, over 170,000 Imperial forces (we know some of our nerd friends will love that one).

So what is the lesson (besides remembering to cover that small hole no bigger than a womp rat). Remember that business is about focusing at the largest number of people possible. You can’t forget Bing in it’s struggle. While it didn’t gain any search market share in May 2012, you never know what is to come!