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Email Marketing & Automation

Done exclusively with Klaviyo

Talk to customers like you know them. Because you do.

CarlowSEO is a Klaviyo exclusive partner having obtained the Master Sliver Status.
We trust Klaviyo when dealing with shopify because… well it just works. With Automations, Connections to Shopify, SMS and email and the whole suite it is almost unbeatable

Are you frustrated because your site has plenty of traffic, but not enough conversions? By creating a consistent line of communication between you and your site visitors through email, we’ll help you turn those one-time visits into repeat customers!

Email Collection & Pop-Ups

First thing’s first, let’s start collecting! In addition to integrating any existing lists into an email service platform, we’ll add a pop-up to your site to immediately increase the size of your mailing list. Let’s make sure each visitor who wants to hear from you has the opportunity to sign up!


Not all email subscribers are the same. In fact, they probably want to hear very different things from you depending on whether or not they have ever made a purchase, how recently they’ve contacted you, or if they are almost ready to convert. We can maximize your return on email marketing through list segmentation by sending high-quality campaigns to people likely to engage with your content and more personalized communications with those who might be hesitant.

Automated Flows

Let’s create some branded content to keep the conversation going over email! We can create a welcome series that sends automatically to visitors who sign up for your mailing list. To increase sales, we will create branded, timely “abandoned cart” series that reminds potential customers that they may have forgotten something. To encourage re-engagement, we can create automated follow-up emails for recent purchases. The sky is the limit!

Consistent Campaigns

If your email marketing strategy is to send out an email every once in awhile, we might suggest a change there–if your customers only hear from you once in a blue moon, they’re only going to think about you once in a blue moon. Through A/B Testing, consistent timing, and continuous data analysis, we’re here to make sure that every campaign is as successful as possible and your brand stays top of mind for every subscriber.