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Google “Penguin” update shouldn’t be worrying, it should make you listen to your SEO Experts!

With the recent “Penguin” Google update (summarized well by Search Engine Watch) many websites saw their content and ranking completely changed. This however shouldn’t be a shock for most people, it is because in most cases they didn’t listen to their SEO experts (or their SEO experts were scamming them to start).Read More »Google “Penguin” update shouldn’t be worrying, it should make you listen to your SEO Experts!

Big Web using personal data to increase their revenues

In our last post about the Facebook IPO we discussed how (what we would call) “Big Web” has to increase revenue, and the number one way that they are accomplishing this is via advertising on their site. Many like Facebook, or Google offer their own “Ad” management and focus directly on “knowing who a user us”. So our friend, Christian Saffici, asked via our Facebook fan page to take a look at the increased use of personal data to increase this revenue. So, Christian, here it is!Read More »Big Web using personal data to increase their revenues

Google+ on the fast track to take over Facebook

With the launch of Google+ less than 1 month ago, today marks a historic moment. They have reached the 20 million user mark. Now the question is what happens from here. Well, based on my math (which isn’t always the best), this shows two interesting trends. The first the overall adoption of social platforms as a must have thing, as well as the fact that the beat the 3 years it took Facebook to reach the same number.Read More »Google+ on the fast track to take over Facebook

Google +, – Realtime, all a plan?

So many of you have noticed the new “Google Black”, or the re-branding of the Google SERP (search engine results page) but most never thought much of it. All of the search geeks however wondered why they would mess with something that everyone in the world wanted to imitate. The simple answer is that Google is again preparing to battle Facebook with a new service called Google +.Read More »Google +, – Realtime, all a plan?

US moving towards EU standards… Do Not Track Legislation moving forward

According to MarketWatch, Legislation was proposed in California that would mandate a means for web users to easily prevent websites from gathering their personal information is moving forward, despite intensive lobbying and opposition from some of the state’s largest Internet firms — including Facebook Inc. and Google Inc.Read More »US moving towards EU standards… Do Not Track Legislation moving forward

The SEO benefits of Cross Posting your blog

I have been helping quite a few small business owners int he Pottstown PA are recently, and most (not suprisingly) believe that creating a Blog section of their website “Takes too  much time”. Well that might have been true in the past when after creating a blog, you have to go to Facebook, Twitter, Digg, etc and repost the url and the caption to really drive traffic into your site (hence getting the extra cred needed to effect your SEO via Social Meida). However, now it is possible to integrate some auto cross posting tools into your Word Press site.Read More »The SEO benefits of Cross Posting your blog